
EP39: Tips and Tricks for Performing Website Audits

Title Image: Tips and Tricks for Performing Ongoing Website Audits

In this podcast episode, Rebecca reviews the importance of website audits. She talks about how things can go wrong, provides examples of real-world crawls, and also includes a list of her favorite tools for running audits.

Why Audits Matter

I performed my first official website audit back in 2011. It’s hard to believe it’s been that long and that so many prospects and clients have come and gone over the years. One thing that stands out over the years is this simple fact:

Older Websites + Larger Websites + Lots of Admins = A Much Bigger Mess

Things go wrong and technology changes. It just happens. Ongoing audits help us keep our website healthy, which means it produces a more positive experience for human visitors and search engine crawlers.

I’m a strong believer in audits. So much so, that this is something that we review each month with our ongoing SEO clients at emagine. And it isn’t just them. We do a pre-launch and post-launch audit for all new website builds.

You may think that is overkill, but it really isn’t. Even with the best teams and the best intentions, things can creep through. The ongoing process of auditing websites is just part of a solid SEO strategy.

What to Review

Example of a Recent Data Pull

I crawled 10,000 URLs and only 25% were actually healthy. Here is an example of what I discovered:

Website Audit Tools

I use a standard set of tools for collecting the data. While most are free, some are paid. I pay for a few tools because they save me many hours per month in work. For me, it is totally worth it, because the money spent is far less than what I can bill for the time saved. You need to find your own balance between free and paid tools.

My favorite tools include:

If you are going to invest in only one premium tool, make it SEMrush. This is because it provides a significant amount of data for both existing content ranking and technical SEO issue. This tool will not only help you figure out what is wrong, but it will also help you fix and validate the issues.

The Takeaway

If you are not doing ongoing audits, you need to start now. If your SEO agency or consultant isn’t performing these for you, then you need to find a new agency.

Technical SEO is critical for today’s SEO. You have to be vigilant on website maintenance and you cannot ignore this important element of SEO.

Today’s Episode Sponsor

A big thank you to Scripted.com for sponsoring season three of the SEObits podcast!

I’m very particular about who can sponsor our show and who I’ll put my name behind, however, today’s podcast sponsor won me over when I did a walk-through of their Cruise Control content offering. They had all the core ingredients for attracting search engines and appealing to the real humans we all want to convert.

Effective content marketing takes hard work, time, and expertise. The Cruise Control package offers all three. Don’t let content get in the way of achieving your SEO goals. Get help from the talented team at Scripted.com.

If you’re interested in the Scripted.com offering, just head on over to scripted.com/seobits so you can review the special offer for listeners.

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